
About Cedar Park, TX – Economy and Safety

  The City of Cedar Park, Texas has been one of the fastest growing communities in the state over the past decade. In fact, it is home to almost 70,000 people today and its residents keep adding to this number every day. This growth rate would have been impossible without a strong strategy from city's leaders who were able to see how their vision could change the face of the community for years ahead.   One such example was a development plan called "Vision 2020" that started way back in 2000. The idea was simple enough but profound at the same time: attract technology companies and other innovators by helping them create a tightly knit community where everyone would work together towards achieving common goals around research and business development. And while Vision 2020 carried no guarantees, it was clear that the city would have to work hard to attract companies and their employees.             The key part of the plan was to build a brand new state-of-the-art univer